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23 Dec 2018

Reading Hindu Temple


13 Feb 2018

Reading Vigneswaran temple


23 Dec 2019

Reading Hindu Temple


Shree Gurudev Datta Seva   - Bhajana Every Last Saturday of the Month

Bhajan session we will start with the following steps:

  1. Omkara and other mantras as per the sheet (001. VSN-Mantras-with additions-*)

  2. Shanti Mantras (Refer: 001. AchyutaYoga-Shaanti MantragaLu-*))

  3. Bhajans:

    1. Ganesha sharanam sharanam Ganesha

    2. Dattatreya shreepaadaraaya narSimha saraswati yatiraya

    3. Digambara digambara shreepaada vallabha digambara

    4. OM namo bhagavate vasudevaya

    5. OM namah shivaya

    6. Shreeram jayaraam Jay Jay raam

  4. Dattatreya stotram (DattatrEya stotram-*)

  5. Vishnu sahasranama (003. Sree-Vishnu-Sahasranama-Stotram-*)

  6. Datta maala mantra (004. Datta-maalaa-mantra-*)

  7. Lingastakam (005. Lingashtakam-*)

  8. Mahishasura Mardhini (006. Sree-Mahishaasura-Mardini-Stotram-*)

  9. Mangalam – Ramachandraya (Refer: 001. VSN-Mantras-with addition-*)

  10. Swasti-Vachana for lokha kalyanam (001. AchyutaYoga-Shaanti MantragaLu-*)

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